Artist Statement

    As a child, I was exposed to many different artistic ways to express myself. Like many children, I received many coloring books and sketchpads. I took classes at Augustana College in pottery, drawing, and a variety of design classes. My family encouraged me and praised my work, which allowed me to be myself artistically. Also, I allowed myself to go beyond the canvas and work with hair. Throughout high school I continued my passion for art and cosmetology, but decided that I wanted to do hair more than anything. I was emotionally drained from the passing of my bother and his best friend and wanted to take an easier route, which I knew I could handle without a doubt.
My parents initially disagreed, but soon we came to the agreement that I would get my degree then I would be able to pursue my passion for hair. After taking a few courses at St. Ambrose University, I quickly fell in love with graphic art and changed my major from Elementary Education to Graphic Design. I’ve taken my past experiences from my high school community and applied them subtly to my art. I am inspired by the deeper meaning and cannot be seen on the surface. Since taking these art courses, I have been able to work in different medias of art and battle with decision to stay in school or come back after a few years in the work field. My opportunities to use my degree are promising. I have the opportunity to go international with the company I am currently working for, Abercrombie & Fitch. With Abercrombie, I have been able to work with a diverse group of people, which has allowed me to see more than just the ‘book cover,’ but the differences within. College has opened my eyes to many new and exciting experiences. I have been able to use my artistic skills in helping out friends and family for projects, organizations, media attention, and communicational purposes.
During the summer of 2010, I was blessed with opportunity to study abroad which really opened my eyes to what is in the world and how different cultures have an affect on art. I was able to study in Spain, Italy, Croatia, Greece, Turkey, Egypt and Morocco. These countries not only expressed their culture through art but are all have an iconic signature to their art with makes them unique. Studying abroad has greatly changed my approach to art and has made me really examine the deeper meanings behind every element in artwork. I was consumed by the cultures and very appreciative of what I have back home. Seeing is believing and the ancient art that I was able to see and touch made me speechless. Spiritually, I was moved by I what experienced in these countries.
Some of my favorite things to do are freelance work and photography. Photography captures beauty at a moment. I try to set up photo shoots that will allow me to make minimal changes on the computer, but enough to make it look professional. I enjoy the whole process of taking the photo, altering the photo, and presenting the photo to an audience. Freelance work varies and I enjoy the challenge of making an idea a reality. Some projects I have completed are zines and designing posters for a band and designing t-shirts for organizations. Using my skills I know I can make their proposals come to life because making people happy is my main priority.